Annie Allen

Brand New Babies Funny Outtakes

During a newborn photoshoot babies are often awake and trying to focus on the world around them.

Sometimes capturing that ‘perfect’ shot on camera isn't as easy as it seems.

Rather than waste this time trying to get them to settle I sometimes hover over them with the camera in hand waiting for some funny faces, yawning and any facial expressions that show their little personality.

Most Photographers would unfortunately delete any bloopers or outtakes as they believe that parents want that perfectly posed sleepy shot of their precious new baby, however outtakes are often an opportunity to laugh and smile, and they shouldn’t be discounted.

... besides, sleep is way over rated!

If you would like to get some silly shots like these of your baby then get in touch via my contact page.

Annie x

Please feel free to like my page and share this post if you know anyone that may find it amusing.

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