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Could I Be Pregnant?? 'Wearing The Bustle Wrong'

So, you suspect that you're pregnant, as in 'eating for two', 'in the (pudding) club', 'in the family way', 'a bun in the oven' ..... whatever you want to call it ..... your life may be about to change in many more ways than you can imagine.

Probably the most classic indicator is a late period, but other early symptoms of pregnancy include:

♡ feeling nauseous/being sick

♡ a metallic taste in your mouth

♡ extreme tiredness

♡ sensitivity to smells

♡ sore/tender/tingly breasts

♡ a need to wee more often

♡ stomach cramps

♡ mood swings

When did you actually suspect that you were pregnant? Was it due to any of the typical early symptoms, or was it some kind of natural instinct, an inner voice, as it were? Or were you totally unaware (don't you sometimes read articles about mums-to-be, who go through their pregnancy without gaining any noticeable weight etc and then they go to A&E with a tummy ache, only to find out that they're actually in labour!)?

Whether or not you decide to do a home pregnancy test, your GP will need to confirm your pregnancy by doing their own test, for which you'll be asked to provide a urine sample, and then you'll be booked in with a midwife, and so it all begins .....

Here is funny story to end with:

A friend suspected that she was pregnant, so did a test at home, peeing into an old mug, as she didn't want to risk missing the stick or getting her hand wet, two lines duly appeared showing a positive result .... cue scenes from something like a comedy sketch .... doorbell rang, in-laws stood on the doorstep, having arrived earlier than expected, my friend frantically gesturing to her partner (who was in the kitchen with them, making tea) to throw away THAT mug, before it could be mistakenly given to one of her in-laws ....

Oh, in case you were wondering, 'wearing the bustle wrong' is also slang for being pregnant - the image of wearing a bustle at the front, rather than at the back, giving a rounded derriere (think Kim Kardashian)

Annie x

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Photo sessions covering Bagshot, Camberley, Frimley, Aldershot, Farnham, Farnborough, Bracknell, Egham, Windsor, Reading, Guildford and other surrounding areas.



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Phone: 07730597453

Address: The Avenue, Aldershot

Hampshire, GU12 4BJ

© 2024 Annie Allen Photography, Maternity, Newborn, Baby & Family Photography
Aldershot Hampshire & Surrey areas (Easily accessed from Camberley, Guildford, Wokingham, Fleet, Farnham, Reading, Basingstoke, Woking, Winchester, Alton, Bordon & Bracknell)
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