As a newborn photographer I take babies safety very seriously. This is someones precious little baby, a new little life!
Babies bones are not yet hard or formed properly, they cannot hold their own heads up or balance alone.
Full support on certain poses is paramount.
Training on how to support and position babies for certain poses it a must.
You may see the disclaimer on my website: * Please note that some of my images are created using composite imagery, which is done by combining two or more images together to create one image. This is done to ensure that your baby is completely safe during the session and that they are fully supported when using certain props.
Please do not try to replicate any of the poses you see without taking the relevant specialised training needed to produce these types of images.
This is make people aware that although they see these cute amazingly posed images throughout the internet, they are not always as they seem. Images where the baby is suspended or sitting up alone as just very good editing to make it appear as if they are supporting themselves:
For example when you see a beautiful image like this:
It is shot with an assistant’s hands supporting baby, like this:
So you can see that baby is supported at all times in some way.
Here is another example below:
Annie x
Please feel free to like my page and share this post if you know anyone that may find it helpful.
Photo sessions covering Bagshot, Camberley, Frimley, Aldershot, Farnham, Farnborough, Bracknell, Egham, Windsor, Reading, Guildford and other surrounding areas.