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7 Sibling Tricks For Your Photo Session

We all want those precious family images where our new baby is being cuddled and admired by their big brother or sister.. you know the ones where they look like the best of friends that will protect each other for life.

But on the flip side we also worry that our eldest will not cooperate during a photo session or possibly not even want to be anywhere near the new baby.

Unfortunately children can feel jealous and left out that this new little person is taking up a lot of Mummy & Daddy’s time now, and naturally as a newborn photographer we tend to focus on baby more and spend our time settling and wrapping them to make sure they are comfortable and safe.

Our children notice all of this fuss and this can make them act out and not want to have a photo taken with their new brother or sister.

There are certain things that can be done during a photo session to help the sibling feel just as special and to keep them engaged.

1 - It is important that the Photographer engages with them from the moment that you arrive at the studio.

2 - Let them have a little look around so they know where they are and that Mummy & Daddy will be staying with them at all times.

3 - Having some toys on hand to keep them distracted and to make sure the photo session is associated as a FUN time

4 - Let them help you to undress baby and change their nappy.

5 - Make then feel needed. The Photographer should let them sit quietly with them so they can watch and ‘help’ dress / wrap baby for each set up.

6 - Stickers. If they aren’t interested in being on the set and getting close to baby for a photo then being out the stickers, place them on the baby of many where they can’t be seen by the camera, and get them to see if they can find the stickers. This way they will see it as a fun game and they should be happy to get close to baby for a couple of snaps

7 - Bribery. The one sounds awful but we all know that a little bribery goes a long way. Give them an insensitive to be good.. a little reward like a visit to the park after or some ice cream. This one usually always works.

The tips above will of course vary between child and their age, however they are my go to tricks that tend to work quite well

I hope that you found this blog helpful and can put some of these into action for your photo shoot

Photo sessions covering Bagshot, Camberley, Frimley, Aldershot, Farnham, Farnborough, Bracknell, Egham, Windsor, Reading, Guildford and other surrounding areas.

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